FlowCell vs. Creform
Despite our best efforts, UNEX isn't the only name in the modular flow rack business. Our industry is rife with competition. When UNEX Manufacturing first began its work on a highly customizable modular flow rack product line, our team of engineers sought to develop an alternative to the pipe and joint flow rack structures that dominated the industry.

We analyzed the shortcomings of modular flow rack products like Creform and designed a product that provided solutions to common issues presented by pipe and joint structures, UNEX FlowCells.
When we first designed UNEX FlowCell modular flow racks, we needed to understand the ins and outs of our competitors. We built a FlowCell configuration, then purchased Creform components for testing a similar design. Our goal was to put the FlowCell and its similar Creform counterpart to the test to see how they performed in three critical areas: capacity, utility, and assembly.
In today's blog post, we will be focusing on the difference in load capacities of UNEX modular flow rack FlowCell and Creform flow racks.
Related Reading: FlowCell vs. Creform Part 2
Load Capacity
Our first test was to see how our Creform alternative, FlowCell, stacked up against pipe and joint modular flow racks like Creform in load capacity. Creform itself performed the analysis for the Creform structure. The test exerted a force on their standard-duty pipe beams of various lengths positioned on two supports. At 1'5", Creform structures are at their sturdiest, with a load capacity on a beam of that length of 308 pounds. As the width of the beam expands, that capacity drops drastically. At a beamwidth of 5'10", the Creform structure can only support a total weight of 70 pounds without adding additional supports. The results of this test are listed in their product brochure and are pictured below.
Now for the UNEX FlowCell results.
At a capacity of 1,000 pounds per level regardless of the size of the beam, FlowCell significantly outperforms Creform pipe and joint modular flow racks.
Based on this comparison, UNEX FlowCells are the superior choice when it comes to capacity. FlowCells can hold significantly more weight than Creform tube and joint structures without the need for additional supports and without any risk of bending or deforming the beam.
Learn more about how UNEX can replace unreliable tube and joint structures, increase productivity, and maximize storage space in your facility, click here to contact us or call us at 800-334-8639.