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No-Shave November

Written by UNEX | Nov 1, 2017 2:27:47 PM

For the past few years, UNEX has participated in Movember in order to raise awareness around men's health issues and to raise money for preventative and educational programs. One of these health issues is cancer, a disease that kills 22,000 people worldwide every day- half of which are preventable. While we're proud of the money we raise (and the mustaches we grow) for Movember, we recognize that there is far more work to do. That's why UNEX Manufacturing and its employees have decided to take part in No-Shave November.

The goal of No-Shave November is a simple one- to raise awareness and money for cancer research and treatment by embracing our hair and allowing it to grow wild and free. Instead of spending money at the barber shop, stylist, or waxing studio, participants instead donate to No-Shave November to support its funded programs, which include the Prevent Cancer Foundation, Fight Colorectal Cancer, and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. These organizations are solely focused on the prevention and early detection of cancer and the development of a cure.

Many- if not all- of our lives at UNEX have been impacted by cancer in one way or another. We have learned from our experiences that no one should be left to take on the disease alone, and that rallying our community around friends and family dealing with the realities of cancer gives more than just financial assistance- it provides hope, strength, and camaraderie. We want to do everything within our power as individuals, as a company, and as a family, to provide that hope and strength to as many as possible.

That's why UNEX Manufacturing is donating $1,000 through our No-Shave November team page and matching individual donations up to another $1,000!


Our fundraising goal for No-Shave November is $2,500, but we hope that our company match (along with your help) will allow us to smash through that goal and make as big an impact as possible. We encourage you all to join us on our No-Shave November journey. Here's how you can get involved:

  1. Head over to the UNEX team page.
  2. Click "Make a Donation" on the right hand side of the page- or just follow the link.
  3. Donate what you can.
  4. Click "Share this Page" on the right hand side, and let your friends and family know how they can participate!

Of course, you can always sign up, start your own team or organization, and begin raising money on your own. But remember- donations through the UNEX team page will be matched!

We're also encouraging our team members to share their stories about how cancer has impacted their lives. The most important thing we can do this month is show survivors and family and friends of lost loved ones that they are not alone, that we share their struggles, and that we are there for them, ready to provide assistance in any way possible. We will be sharing those stories on one of our social media pages as they come.

We hope that you will join us in this fight.