UNEX Blog | Space Optimization Insights and Trends

The Spirit of UNEX

Written by UNEX | Aug 4, 2014 6:03:10 PM

This summer has been a busy one for the UNEX family. Every department has been firing on all cylinders to meet demand. While this is great for business, the pace can be a damper on employee morale. It's important to strike a balance between getting the job done and enjoying yourself and the company of your co-workers. That's why UNEX has started its first Spirit Week!

Spirit Week is a five-day event that culminates in our annual summer barbecue. Each day will have several events and competitions. We're handing out awesome prizes for our winners as well as raffle tickets for the coveted paid vacation day!

Today is the first of five days of Spirit, and it starts with a bang. First, we begin our workspace decoration contest- employees, either individuals or groups, can decorate their work areas with any theme they choose. Each one will be judged by our esteemed panel of judges (TBD) and the most creative will receive a prize! We also had our first annual chili cookoff- five UNEX chefs brought in their own chili recipes to see who can make the cut and take home a prize. Our more artistic Pickologists also brought in their work to be displayed in a UNEX art gallery.

The rest of the week features many exciting events and competitions, including Trivia Tuesday, Throwback Thursday, camouflage day, and more. The winners of these events and the recipient of the grand prize-a paid vacation day- will be announced on Friday at the UNEX barbecue.

The barbecue is a yearly event catered by Famous Dave's Barbecue. It offers our team a great opportunity to chat with and enjoy the company of their co-workers without the high pressure environment that comes with our summer surge- not to mention plates piled high with ribs and barbecued chicken. That's my favorite part.

We are looking forward to an interesting and exciting Spirit Week and hope that our efforts inspire our followers to try similar events at their own businesses. And if you find yourself out in Jackson, New Jersey this week, stop by UNEX and see what we're up to!