The State of Conveyor
Every year, we like to take a look back at the trends that shaped our industry. What's changing? Where is demand growing or shrinking? Luckily for us, Peerless Research Group did the heavy lifting when they surveyed hundreds of logistics companies across the United States. PRG asked each of these companies how they use conveyor equipment, what they value in a conveyor solution, and what types of conveyor they intend to invest in. The results depict a growing conveyor industry, with demand for increased manufacturing and order fulfillment output driving the growth.
We decided to put this information together in a handy infographic. We also examined our own operation to see what growth in conveyor demand actually looked like.
At the time of this writing, UNEX manufacturing has produced almost 400,000 feet of gravity conveyor!
Check out our awesome infographic below to learn more about the state of conveyor in 2015.