Order Picking Solutions for Retailers: Speeding Up Fulfillment with Carton Flow
Few operational goals are more important to modern retailers than efficiency. Pinched by labor shortages on one side and demands for faster deliveries on the other, today’s retailers must explore every possible avenue to streamline operations and shave seconds off the clock.
While new technologies like artificial intelligence and advanced robotics can help retailers pick up the pace, some solutions are more straightforward. Sometimes, the most impactful changes start right on the warehouse floor — with simple upgrades to retail storage solutions.
Whether in a retail backroom or a massive eCommerce fulfillment center, introducing carton flow to your order picking system can yield invaluable results. Here’s a closer look at what carton flow could do for your retail operation.
The Importance of Efficient Order Picking in Retail
Fundamentally, retail fulfillment involves retrieving products for customer orders — sometimes hundreds or thousands of orders per day. A few seconds of delay may seem insignificant for a single order, but those seconds amount to a substantial hit to the bottom line when added together. That makes order picking efficiency one of the most important tasks of any retailer.
Yet, today’s retailers face countless barriers to streamlining order picking and saving time on each order. Thanks to increasing competition and fast-changing consumer preferences, retail shelves are bursting with more SKUs than ever. Demand for those SKUs can fluctuate wildly throughout the year, while orders come in from an increasing number of channels, leaving retail backrooms and warehouse floors in constant flux. To top it off, there’s the pressure to get most orders to the customer’s door within a day or two, if not faster.
In this environment, a breakdown at any stage in the order picking and fulfillment process can lead to significant losses. According to one recent report, 14% of consumers who experienced a delivery delay would not buy from the same brand again, and 16% of those who received the wrong item would jump ship. That’s not to mention the added labor costs of inefficient order picking, nor the expense of returning incorrect items or refunding shipping charges for delayed orders.
Understanding Carton Flow Systems in Retail Fulfillment
Retail storage solutions are central to creating any efficient order picking and fulfillment system. Well-organized, streamlined shelving works wonders for the flow of inventory in and out of a warehouse or retail fulfillment center, and carton flow systems are among the best options for efficient storage.
Carton flow storage uses gravity to improve the flow and organization of inventory in order picking areas. Roller or wheel bed tracks are angled toward the pick face, making inventory more visible and accessible for order pickers. Stock is replenished from the back, so newer inventory automatically slides forward as older items are picked.
Carton flow offers a range of benefits for eCommerce and retail fulfillment, including:
- Improved storage density: By relying on gravity to move products, you can consolidate more inventory into a smaller shelf area. Decreasing your required shelf space allows you to store more products — or save money by not expanding your footprint.
- Enhanced SKU organization: Carton flow storage is optimal for first-out (FIFO) inventory management. The ease of back-to-front product flow enables better organization and ensures products don’t go bad or fall out of date hiding on the shelf.
- Increased picking speed: With more items within reach and readily available at the pick face, workers can find and pull items more quickly. Even better, pickers don’t have to stop while stockers replenish shelves at the back, shaving invaluable seconds off each order.
As a dynamic storage solution, carton flow systems are only proving more valuable in a retail landscape where delivery speed is at a premium. Micro-fulfillment centers, for instance, rely not only on advanced technology and automation but also on efficient carton flow storage, to deliver fast movers to customers on the same or the next day.
Get The Definitive Guide to Carton Flow Storage and The Ultimate Order Picking Checklist. Download the guide today!

Practical Tips for Implementing Carton Flow in Retail
Carton flow systems can improve efficiency in nearly any retail center dealing with fast-moving SKUs and omnichannel fulfillment complexities. Yet, the best practices for implementation vary by retail environment. Here are a few ways to determine the ideal carton flow setup for your retail fulfillment center.
1. Assess Your Current Storage and Picking Needs
The first step when building out your carton flow system is to conduct a complete audit of your current inventory. Tally not only the total number of SKUs but also the size, weight, and picking frequency of each item. Carton flow is best suited for your medium to fast movers, so look for similar, mid to high-volume items you can organize in designated picking zones.
Knowing your high-priority items will help you organize them and select shelving and layouts that fit the different types of inventory for each picking area. Plus, considering SKU size and weights will ensure you choose shelving that can handle the specific weight and space constraints of your unique assortment of products.
2. Select the Right Carton Flow System
Once you have a clear idea of your storage and picking needs, you can compare carton flow options to determine the ideal system(s) for your situation.
One of the most important choices will be between rollers and wheel beds. Carton flow rollers are designed to optimize the flow of uniform SKU sizes in dedicated lanes. They offer a sturdy, durable solution for high-volume product movement with minimal variability.
Carton flow beds offer greater flexibility to accommodate varying SKU sizes and changing inventory demands. Without fixed lanes, you can easily place products of different sizes along the same shelf. Meanwhile, adjustable infeed guides make it easy to create lanes for different product sizes and shapes or re-slot lanes as needed. They’re also best suited for inventory with flat, even bottoms.
Either option will provide more product contact than plastic wheel rails, allowing for seamless flow regardless of inventory shape. They can also be customized to suit the unique needs of your picking operation. For instance, high-profile, knuckled end treatments better accommodate each picking, while low-profile tracks may better streamline order fulfillment for full case picking in your warehouse.
3. Ensure Ergonomic Design
Picking efficiency isn’t the only important consideration for your carton flow layout. Ergonomic improvements are another key benefit of these retail storage solutions, so you should consider how to fine-tune your shelving to maximize picking ease and minimize the risk of injury.
In practice, this means placing your fastest movers at optimal picking heights (and planning your shelf layout accordingly). Weight should also be a key consideration — don’t place heavy items too high or too low. Additionally, ensure shelves are installed at a proper incline so products move readily to the pick face. Pairing carton flow storage with nearby workstations for packing and labeling can further reduce worker movement and limit the potential for strain.
UNEX Carton Flow Solutions: SpanTrack
Looking for the easiest way to ensure you create the ideal carton flow setup for your retail space? Work with UNEX to choose the perfect SpanTrack carton flow solutions for your operation.
SpanTrack is a leading carton flow solution — and one of the most proven products in the business. With two main options — SpanTrack Lane and SpanTrack Wheel Bed — you can tailor a carton flow system to suit your order picking needs.
Both SpanTrack options are built to drop right into existing pallet racks, quickly converting static shelving into dynamic carton flow systems. Whether you choose carton flow rollers or wheel beds, you’ll have durable, high-capacity shelves that can accommodate a wide range of SKU sizes and order picking applications.
Moving a lot of similar products at a high volume? SpanTrack Lanes are sturdy and reliable, offering the most direct way to streamline inventory flow within your warehouse. They’re especially helpful for maintaining product flow in humid clients, where packaging might be easily deformed while moving along the shelf.
Handling a wider variety of SKUs and rapid seasonal demand fluctuations? Thanks to adjustable shark fin infeed guides on the SpanTrack Wheel Bed, you can easily tweak lane widths to slot and re-slot products based on your changing inventory needs. Regardless of how diverse your product lineup is, you can set up your SpanTrack Wheel Bed to fit your situation.
Both SpanTrack carton flow track types are fully customizable, whether you need knuckled end treatments, guide rails, end stops, label holders, or a variety of other accessories to fit your operation. You can choose racking tailored to fit a range of product weights and plan your shelf layout to fit your floorplan with to-the-inch precision., and build your shelf layout in to-the-inch increments.
Optimizing for Success in Retail Fulfillment
Efficiency is a key target for every retailer in the age of omnichannel fulfillment and rising consumer expectations. And few changes can impact efficiency with minimal cost or operational overhaul like implementing carton flow systems.
Carton flow offers a straightforward way to organize inventory storage and keep orders moving, all while reducing labor costs and minimizing your footprint. Any retailer hoping to compete — now and in the coming decades — must evaluate their existing storage solutions to assess where they can add carton flow to transform operations.
SpanTrack carton flow solutions are built to optimize ordering picking for retail and eCommerce businesses of all kinds. Contact UNEX today to start transforming your retail fulfillment operation with space-efficient carton flow!