Space Saving Solutions from UNEX
ProMat 2019 has come and gone with a lot of excitement over new solutions for order picking, conveying, AGV, storage & retrieval, automation and more. In case you felt overwhelmed at ProMat, and, you weren't able to see everything in our booth, here is a little reminder :
Pallet Rack + SpeedCell
We showed a 2 x 8-foot bay of pallet rack featuring SpeedCell, our dynamic, high-density storage solution. SpeedCell can consolidate storage capacity and dramatically increasing pick facings, resulting in greater SKU density for less travel and search for your order pickers.

SpeedCell Cart aka SpeedCartt
A fast, modular picking cart made with the same textile cells as SpeedCell. The mobile cart can be configured as single-sided or back-to-back storage to supplement order fulfillment, restocking and picking.
Gravity Conveyor
Our conveyors are made of solid galvanized steel for long-lasting durability, handling a wide variety of loads.
Roller Rack
We showed an 8-foot bay of Roller Rack featuring our patented SpanTrack bed and wheel. Our gravity flow rack systems optimize efficiency, safety and FIFO rotation on the pick line. We showed our Knuckle Track, too, which improves access and sight line, and reduces strain on workers.
Packing Station
Our Lean-inspired modular workstation reduces the waste of excess motion within a process. Objects for packing are within easy reach with no bending required. Our Packing Station adapts to customers’ unique packing needs with dynamic or static supply storage solutions.

Internal Layback Design
We showcased 3 racks in a layback design, which increases visibility and aids in clearance for large and bulky items. The increased clearance between the racks allows for items to be picked straight, instead of having to pull items up and out, improving ergonomics.
Lineside FlowCell
These are high-density storage racks that are located on the assembly line to cut down on transportation time. We showed one level of SD SpanTrack Wheel Bed and another level of Heavy-Duty SpanTrack Wheel Bed that supports up to 100 lbs./square foot.

Single Lane Cell
We featured a single lane cell with a high-profile lane to show an 84" track on a 60" unit. High-profile tracks can extend over or underneath work tables or gravity conveyor. This helps to deliver products to the next process in your assembly operation, offering limited reach, which reduces the lean waste of Transportation. Return lanes are replenished away from the assembly line and help to reduce work interruptions.
Flex-Wheel Conveyor - FWS
Our Flex Wheel Series (FWS) Gravity Conveyor is an ideal solution for instantly establishing conveyor lines for packaging, assembly, shipping, and receiving. This lightweight and flexible solution can be integrated seamlessly with other conveying systems, ensuring an easy and effortless transition as your operation’s needs and demands change.

On-Line Configurator
Our configurators are DIY tools that let users build the exact UNEX solution you need for FlowCell or SpanTrack. The UNEX Configurator allows you to enter your existing rack and fill it with our industry- leading carton flow solutions. The FlowCell Configurator allows you to choose from countless options to build your own FlowCell solution in a 3D sandbox environment.